"You have touched my heart through photos, and now again through your words! I am a happier person. I travel to places I might never see without you! And animals!! I appreciate you and your heart that directs you. Your love and your appreciation shines through. I am glad to be alive during this time that you are also. Happiness grows!"
"You create such lovely art and share it so beautifully! You move my heart and soul to joy beyond belief! You cant pay enough for that!"
“Beautifully composed and captured. This pic brought me instant serenity.”
“You're killin' it Tim! Your mind's creative eye seems to sharpen clearer and clearer each time I see your photo posts! You're really coming into your finest work my friend! “
“Through your eyes....u don't miss a thing.”
“you should be very proud of these photos, the sharpness and drama is astounding.”
“In my humble opinion, it is definitely worthy of National Geographic or National Audubon Society attention. This is mind blowing! The last image in the sequence is stunning in the story it tells.”
“You bring reality, both beautiful and a bit thought provoking, into our lives through your images!”
“This is fascinating. Technically so well done and such emotional impact. I can't stop wondering his/her story.”
“Gorgeous bird so perfectly captured.......we all have our storms to weather! This guy put it all out there for you to share with the world. Thanks for taking us along in your 'walk in the rain'!! ”
“Oh my word. You are a brilliant wildlife photographer!”
Divinely framed and captured as exquisite as the light manifesting from the gentleness and force of its Creation by the created.
C'est manigfique! as I can only exclaim in French. Even waves rise up to worship.
Thank you for lifting my spirit through your art as well as your dedication to contribute to the emotional wellbeing of humanity and our beautiful planet.